Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Time Is Here....

It is still hard to believe that Christmas is already upon us, and right around the corner is 2011. Where has 2010 gone? We certainly had our ups and downs this year, but all in all it wasn't half bad. I'm working this Christmas (volunteered for the OT when the supes were fretting about making sure we had enough coverage) and while it means I'll be spending my first Christmas morning without watching my girl open presents. Granted, at 13 I think we're a bit beyond the whole Santa-coming-down-the-chimney notion, but it's still always special to see her face as she opens her gifts. This year cash was a little tighter than usual, so we had to get creative. We got her the usual art supplies, and a drawing pad, as well as a new binder to keep her drawings and stories in. A little candy for the stocking, and a hat I knit myself that is Texas orange and white for the Texas Longhorns. There was supposed to be a scarf as well, but that didn't work out so much. I've never drafted a pattern before, and I tell you- it's harder than I thought!

Speaking of knitting, that is something right now that I am truly enjoying. I've made little bits of extra money off items people have requested (mainly hats- it got kind of cold here!), and I've also made a few baby blankets. Now, I'm trying out a pattern using what I call my practice yarn (it's yarn the hubster's grandmother gave me that I think is older than I am) to try and knit some finger-gloves for one of my supes as a gift set for her daughter. I've never made gloves before- never even made mittens- but I figured what the hell, I have to learn sometime. I also have a trapper's hat the hubster's coworker has requested, but he wants it in Oklahoma University colours. Normally the hubster would have told him where he could put an OU hat, but I think he actually likes this guy. They've taken several business trips together and they get along swimmingly. After that, there are 2 dog sweaters for a teacup chihuahua, and possibly the scarf to match the girl's Christmas hat.

This is going to be a rough Christmas, I think. It's going to be our first Christmas without our dog Luke. That big oaf was such a sweetheart, but he and his brother Anakin got out of our yard and Luke was hit by a car. I don't think I've ever cried so hard over an animal. Well, maybe my rat Jeremy, but I was also 2 weeks shy of having my girl, so I think hormones were key. Luke was MY dog. I adored him, and the way he'd try and be as frisky and agile as Anakin, but being twice his weight it was impossible. When AC picked him up they weighed him, and told the hubster he was 135 lbs. We were guessing maybe 100, tops 110. Solid muscle too. I still miss him. Some friends have some mutt-puppies they are trying to give away, and I've considered trying to talk the hubster into taking one, but I don't know if I'm ready for it. Maybe. But I'm still on the fence about it. Maybe when we see them on New Year's Eve we'll decide.

There hasn't been any orchestra rehearsals since our concert on the 7th. It's been a nice break, but we start back up on the 4th. That means it's time to begin practicing again. One of the next concerts we'll be playing some music from "Pirates of the Caribbean", and my girl and I will be playing our fifes. That will be exciting. Since we're also going to be playing some folky-type music, I may have to break out the recorder and pennywhistle as well.

It's just about time to close up shop and head home. We're spending Christmas with our extended family at the MIL's house, as we do every year. I think it'll be a fun year. Now it's on to 2011 and whatever it holds for us. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I get a breather and can sit and knit a sweater for myself. Two years (almost) of knitting and nothing has been made for myself. Go fig. :)

Vera modeling my girl's hat.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Red Writing Hood Meme: First Love

Okay, so this week's Red Writing Hood Meme courtesy The Red Dress Club was a lot of fun to write. I chose a subject I normally try to stay away from (love) for fear of it becoming too cutesy, and got to add a good spin to it. Can you tell who my first love is? Good luck :)


I was young when I first laid eyes on him. He wasn’t what my parents would have picked for me in the long run- he was indeed tall, with rugged good looks, hair that always seemed unkept, but he had a swagger about him that pulled me in faster than my mind could comprehend. From Day One I was smitten. Maybe it was indeed that swagger that told all around him that he was One Bad MoFo who knew the men wanted BE him, and the ladies wanted to be WITH him. But I saw something different, something in his eyes that was begging to be loved, and cared for, and adored for being himself, not who others thought he was.

Sadly, I lost touch with him. I furthered my education, met new people, saw so many new and exotic places. He was always in the recesses of my mind, hovering there like a shadow, something seen out of the corner of my eye but never fully acknowledged. Life was always too busy, too moving, to slow down and think, “Where is he now?”
Fast forward a handful of years. I was a little older, a little wiser, and somehow I found him. He was in Egypt of all places, someplace I’d never expect to see him. He had pursued an education, taken to traveling the world, a modern day treasure hunter. His unending thirst for knowledge had taken him to the far ends of the earth and back, but he never seemed to stop searching. He had changed in more ways, though- he was harder.  He had been hurt, and it showed. His eyes, still caring, had an edge to them. This was what my parents saw- this is what they wanted to keep me from. But I was pulled in once again, hovering like a moon to his planet, wanting to be closer but never being able to break through the defenses he had surrounded himself with.
I followed him as if in a dream from Egypt to India to Utah. We traveled from Portugal to Venice, and on into Europe- always an adventure with him, not finding what his heart desired. Even when he thought he had found it, it wasn’t truly what he was pining for. If he looked behind him, beside him, and looked me in the eyes, I was positive he’d see that it was me he was needing. If he only took the time to get to know me as I was now and not as I was then, he’d see that we belonged together, that my laidback style complemented his swagger. That my quest for knowledge was second only to his (except maybe his father’s, if we were talking medieval literature), that together we could conquer the evil of the world.  I could only stand back and watch as he moved on without me.
I did see him once more a number of years later. I was raising a family; he was reconnecting with his, with a son he was just learning he had. Seeing him wasn’t the same as it was back in the day when the draw he radiated was undeniable, but it was still nice to see the familiar blue eyes, the unkept and now-graying hair he hid under his battered fedora, and as always, his trusty bullwhip at his side.

Had to Restart

Doesn't it suck when someone comes in and decides that what you have, they want, so they take it? Well, that has happened in this case. My email was hacked and I lost not only it, but my Facebook (I'm in the process of getting that back), my Google Docs, and... *sniff sniff* my Blogger page. So I'm having to start over again. But don't worry- while it'll take some time, I'll get my posts back up here, add in a few more (maybe more personal and crafty stuff), and make this just an all-around blog.

Just bear with me. We'll get there. I promise :)