Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Time Is Here....

It is still hard to believe that Christmas is already upon us, and right around the corner is 2011. Where has 2010 gone? We certainly had our ups and downs this year, but all in all it wasn't half bad. I'm working this Christmas (volunteered for the OT when the supes were fretting about making sure we had enough coverage) and while it means I'll be spending my first Christmas morning without watching my girl open presents. Granted, at 13 I think we're a bit beyond the whole Santa-coming-down-the-chimney notion, but it's still always special to see her face as she opens her gifts. This year cash was a little tighter than usual, so we had to get creative. We got her the usual art supplies, and a drawing pad, as well as a new binder to keep her drawings and stories in. A little candy for the stocking, and a hat I knit myself that is Texas orange and white for the Texas Longhorns. There was supposed to be a scarf as well, but that didn't work out so much. I've never drafted a pattern before, and I tell you- it's harder than I thought!

Speaking of knitting, that is something right now that I am truly enjoying. I've made little bits of extra money off items people have requested (mainly hats- it got kind of cold here!), and I've also made a few baby blankets. Now, I'm trying out a pattern using what I call my practice yarn (it's yarn the hubster's grandmother gave me that I think is older than I am) to try and knit some finger-gloves for one of my supes as a gift set for her daughter. I've never made gloves before- never even made mittens- but I figured what the hell, I have to learn sometime. I also have a trapper's hat the hubster's coworker has requested, but he wants it in Oklahoma University colours. Normally the hubster would have told him where he could put an OU hat, but I think he actually likes this guy. They've taken several business trips together and they get along swimmingly. After that, there are 2 dog sweaters for a teacup chihuahua, and possibly the scarf to match the girl's Christmas hat.

This is going to be a rough Christmas, I think. It's going to be our first Christmas without our dog Luke. That big oaf was such a sweetheart, but he and his brother Anakin got out of our yard and Luke was hit by a car. I don't think I've ever cried so hard over an animal. Well, maybe my rat Jeremy, but I was also 2 weeks shy of having my girl, so I think hormones were key. Luke was MY dog. I adored him, and the way he'd try and be as frisky and agile as Anakin, but being twice his weight it was impossible. When AC picked him up they weighed him, and told the hubster he was 135 lbs. We were guessing maybe 100, tops 110. Solid muscle too. I still miss him. Some friends have some mutt-puppies they are trying to give away, and I've considered trying to talk the hubster into taking one, but I don't know if I'm ready for it. Maybe. But I'm still on the fence about it. Maybe when we see them on New Year's Eve we'll decide.

There hasn't been any orchestra rehearsals since our concert on the 7th. It's been a nice break, but we start back up on the 4th. That means it's time to begin practicing again. One of the next concerts we'll be playing some music from "Pirates of the Caribbean", and my girl and I will be playing our fifes. That will be exciting. Since we're also going to be playing some folky-type music, I may have to break out the recorder and pennywhistle as well.

It's just about time to close up shop and head home. We're spending Christmas with our extended family at the MIL's house, as we do every year. I think it'll be a fun year. Now it's on to 2011 and whatever it holds for us. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I get a breather and can sit and knit a sweater for myself. Two years (almost) of knitting and nothing has been made for myself. Go fig. :)

Vera modeling my girl's hat.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Red Writing Hood Meme: First Love

Okay, so this week's Red Writing Hood Meme courtesy The Red Dress Club was a lot of fun to write. I chose a subject I normally try to stay away from (love) for fear of it becoming too cutesy, and got to add a good spin to it. Can you tell who my first love is? Good luck :)


I was young when I first laid eyes on him. He wasn’t what my parents would have picked for me in the long run- he was indeed tall, with rugged good looks, hair that always seemed unkept, but he had a swagger about him that pulled me in faster than my mind could comprehend. From Day One I was smitten. Maybe it was indeed that swagger that told all around him that he was One Bad MoFo who knew the men wanted BE him, and the ladies wanted to be WITH him. But I saw something different, something in his eyes that was begging to be loved, and cared for, and adored for being himself, not who others thought he was.

Sadly, I lost touch with him. I furthered my education, met new people, saw so many new and exotic places. He was always in the recesses of my mind, hovering there like a shadow, something seen out of the corner of my eye but never fully acknowledged. Life was always too busy, too moving, to slow down and think, “Where is he now?”
Fast forward a handful of years. I was a little older, a little wiser, and somehow I found him. He was in Egypt of all places, someplace I’d never expect to see him. He had pursued an education, taken to traveling the world, a modern day treasure hunter. His unending thirst for knowledge had taken him to the far ends of the earth and back, but he never seemed to stop searching. He had changed in more ways, though- he was harder.  He had been hurt, and it showed. His eyes, still caring, had an edge to them. This was what my parents saw- this is what they wanted to keep me from. But I was pulled in once again, hovering like a moon to his planet, wanting to be closer but never being able to break through the defenses he had surrounded himself with.
I followed him as if in a dream from Egypt to India to Utah. We traveled from Portugal to Venice, and on into Europe- always an adventure with him, not finding what his heart desired. Even when he thought he had found it, it wasn’t truly what he was pining for. If he looked behind him, beside him, and looked me in the eyes, I was positive he’d see that it was me he was needing. If he only took the time to get to know me as I was now and not as I was then, he’d see that we belonged together, that my laidback style complemented his swagger. That my quest for knowledge was second only to his (except maybe his father’s, if we were talking medieval literature), that together we could conquer the evil of the world.  I could only stand back and watch as he moved on without me.
I did see him once more a number of years later. I was raising a family; he was reconnecting with his, with a son he was just learning he had. Seeing him wasn’t the same as it was back in the day when the draw he radiated was undeniable, but it was still nice to see the familiar blue eyes, the unkept and now-graying hair he hid under his battered fedora, and as always, his trusty bullwhip at his side.

Had to Restart

Doesn't it suck when someone comes in and decides that what you have, they want, so they take it? Well, that has happened in this case. My email was hacked and I lost not only it, but my Facebook (I'm in the process of getting that back), my Google Docs, and... *sniff sniff* my Blogger page. So I'm having to start over again. But don't worry- while it'll take some time, I'll get my posts back up here, add in a few more (maybe more personal and crafty stuff), and make this just an all-around blog.

Just bear with me. We'll get there. I promise :)

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Red Dress Blog Meme: Song Inspiration

Wow- it's been a while since I've written anything! I've been so busy the past few weeks. One of our supervisors at work is out on surgical leave and I've stepped in helping with the tasks she usually does. I've also been working on handknit items that I sell. So far all are commissioned, and need to be done well before Christmas. My email was hacked, which led to my Facebook being hacked, as well as my Blogger page since both were connected to that email account. Add to that one of dogs being struck and killed by a car, and you can see that writing inspiration is just not there. I just had no heart. But with music always being integral in my life, this week's meme was something I felt I just HAD to write. So I did about 15 minutes ago. I'm not going to edit anything, just throwing it up here and saying "Have at it". Enjoy.

"How the Dog Broke Your Bone"

The twelve-year anniversary is coming up soon. Twelve years since she was taken from me, leaving me to wander and wonder why. It was her hand that took her, her mind holding her hostage, driving her along the fatal course that I couldn’t navigate, as much as I tried, just to save her. In the end, it was nothing but tail lights and me alone in the road.

It seemed she was destined to follow his lead. He, with the silken voice and cloudy eyes, he with the demons that only seemed to draw her in tighter. His word was gospel and I was the heretic, speaking out against his truths, and I was condemned to burn at the stake for the witch I was.

And then he was gone. Overpowered by his demons, he spiraled into oblivion and was gone. She was shattered, fragile, full of feelings of failure that she could not save him. My words gave her no comfort. His demons became hers, feeding on the darkness filling her soul. Internal voices picking apart her mind, clouding her thoughts, crushing the spirit I had fallen in love with. She never showed she was hurting. Always the strong one.

And in his footsteps, on a different path, she traveled. While she had the sky as her playground, she chose the coldness of the ground to lay her head. Lost as prayer on the wind, never again to gaze at the stars that once held her childhood dreams, our love she held was not enough to save her. The agony for her was felt by us all when we realized holding her would never again happen.

I hold onto the thought that a soul as beautiful as she is in an eternal realm, as equally beautiful. I see her in my dreams, in my child who bears her name and is too young to remember. I see her in the sunlight that streams through my window and caresses my cheek as she once did. I hear her voice on the wind as it rustles the leaves on a fall day.

There is never a day where she is not in my thoughts, and I can only pray that when my time comes she’ll be there, waiting for me, her arms open and warm, and a smile on her lips. “Syd, say hello to heaven,” and in her embrace I’ll find it.

“Say Hello 2 Heaven”, Temple of the Dog

Friday, September 24, 2010

Red Writing Hood Meme: Where I'm From

Wow- this week's meme was interesting for me. It's sort of like a Mad Lib, but not quite as funny. I got a chance to really sit and think about growing up and some of the things I've experienced, and the people I've met- it was rather eye-opening. It was also nice to write after stepping away from the pen for a bit to focus on some knitting projects I've had lined up for people. So. Here's this week's writing assignment...

Where I'm From
 I am from a giant picnic table suited to seat many from Dad’s own handiwork and hours in the workshop, building and planning, to ensure we were all able to have a nice sit-down meal together.

I am from the scary-looking yet comforting 175-year old farmhouse that was restored by my parents on the weekends when there was time between school functions and appointments.

I am from the rose bushes Mom wanted along the property line that she tended to daily, the small orchard that bore fruit, the garden from which we got our vegetables (and punishment of weeding when we misbehaved).

I am from advent calendars and candles on Christmas, homemade birthday cakes and presents, and learning to look past disabilities, both physical and mental, from siblings Becky, Carly, Peter, Kevin, John, Esmeralda, Jenny, Susie, Timmy, Matt, Dennis, Mark, Bart and David, to the numerous cousins, aunts and uncles we spent holidays with.

I am from the family of love, sharing, and tolerance, no matter the differences.

From being selfless and helping others before helping yourself, because their smile and word of thanks is reward enough.

I am from a spiritual family, but as an adult choose to worship in nature.

I'm from blended families, both birth and chosen.

From the drive to Chicago to greet my new brother in from South Korea, from waiting anxiously to hear the news that our new sister was born to another mother and father, to grieving together as our eldest brother succumbed to MD.

I am from two loving and selfless people who welcomed two boys into the world, then opened their doors to 13 other children who were not considered “adoptable” because of physical ailments, mental slowness, or emotional issues. Two people who brought these children together under one roof and taught us that we are indeed worthy of love, and of acceptance, and of understanding. Two people who reminded us that there are others in the world who need our help much more than we do.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Red Writing Hood Meme: Dramatic Entrance

Red Writing Hood Meme: Dramatic Entrance

This week's meme was a doozy for me. The prompt: "An art opening at a lavish downtown gallery. A car crashes through the plate glass window. The driver's door opens, and an eight-year-old girl steps out." I think I must have started this a thousand times before almost decided to just forget it and wait until next week. I didn't feel like I was thinking very coherently, and it may be due to the fact that I am on my 7-day rotation for work, and the phones have been rather hectic all week. It's hard to put together a decent thought when you have back to back to back calls. This idea hit me as I was driving home last night, and I wrote it when I came in this morning, and all it took was looking at the scene from a different perspective. And nothing saucy this time. Sorry. Maybe the next meme I do can be Skinamax suitable? ;)

“Mom? Mommy, are you okay?” She was lying on her chair, the brown one that Grandma had given her when Dad left. She didn’t look right, and it scared me. She barely looked at me when I shook her, and her skin felt weird, like she was sweating, but she wasn’t hot. She actually felt kind of cold. I covered her with a blanket, but she started shivering. I wanted to cry because I was so scared, but if I am crying, I couldn’t help her. I tried to remember what my teachers taught us when we were learning about how to help someone, but it was hard to think. Oh, that’s it! I have to call 9-1-1 and let them know I need help!

“Mommy, I’m going to call for help, okay? I’ll be right back.” She didn’t respond, but I could tell she was trying to look at me. At least her eyes moved towards me. She was drooling a little bit, like my friend Abby’s baby sister Maggie Mae. Abby says that Maggie Mae is drooling because she’s getting in new teeth. But I don’t think Mommy was getting in new teeth. I ran into the kitchen and picked up the telephone that is on the wall next to the back door, but when I listened, there was no sound. Now I was even more scared. The phone is supposed to work when you need help, but ours must have been broken. My heart was beating so fast in my chest I thought it was going to fall out. I have to get her to the hospital so the doctors can help her. I ran back into the living room.

“The phone is broken, so I can’t call for help. There has to be another way.” Then I saw her keys on the coffee table. Mom had told me before how everything worked in the car. She also told me that I had to have a special card that says I’m allowed to use the car that I’d get when I was old enough, but I think because it’s an emergency it’d be okay. I grabbed the keys and ran outside to unlock and open the doors, then went back inside. It was hard, but I got Mommy to her feet. I helped her outside and got her in the car. I even put her seat belt on her, just like she taught me.

Now it was my turn. I got behind the steering wheel and closed the door. It was bigger than I thought. But I put the key in and turned it, just like I saw Mom do, and it spooked me a little when the car started. Okay, brake on the left, which makes it stop, and the go on the right to make it move. The stick that makes it go forward or backward, she said put it in “D”. I couldn’t remember what the “D” stood for, but I put the orange arrow on it, and the car started to move forward. I stepped on the brake and it stopped. I think I can do this. Seeing Mom as sick as she was, I had to do it. I stepped on the go softly, and we rolled forward. Yeah, I can do this.

“Hang on, Mom,” I said, still trying not to cry. “I’m going to get you to get some help.” I started to drive really slow because it was hard to see over the wheel, but once I got onto the road by our house I was able to go a little faster. Every once in a while Mom would moan, or whisper something, but I couldn’t understand her very well. The radio was on, so I sang along with the songs I knew, hoping the music would make her feel better since it always made me happy when I was feeling sad.

It took a while, but I found my way to the city. The hospital had to be close by since we always saw the buildings when we were going to school on the school bus. But the streets were more confusing than I remembered. The buildings were too tall for me to see anything, and the traffic lights made me have to stop a lot. I was having a hard time stopping the tears, but I kept reminding myself that I had to stay strong for Mom, because I was all she had left.

I didn’t notice how fast I was going. I was crying and telling Mom to hold on, we’re almost to the hospital, when a dog walked out into the street. I screamed and turned the wheel, a little harder than maybe I should have. The tires squealed and the car lurched, and I almost threw up. The car bounced up onto the sidewalk and we were heading right towards a building. The front was all glass, like one of those fancy restaurants we saw on TV, and there were people inside dressed really nice. I tried to hit the brake to stop, but I didn’t hit it in time. With a crash, the car went through the window and into the building.

I don’t remember the car coming to a stop, or me getting out of the car. It was almost as if I had fallen asleep and was sleepwalking, but drove a car instead. When I opened my eyes I was inside the building filled with the nicely-dressed people who looked really surprised. There was broken glass all around on the floor, and it looked like some paintings as well. They were broken and some were ripped. I felt bad about that, because I know I did it. But I was so worried about Mommy.

“Please, someone help my mommy.” I cried. “She’s sick and I don’t know what’s wrong with her.” A lady stepped towards us and looked into the car.

“Oh my god, Nathan! Help me!” She pulled the door open and a man helped her pull Mommy out of the car. Another lady who looked old like Grandma was talking on a small telephone and another came up to me.

“C'mon let’s get you taken care of,” she said, her voice very soft. I couldn’t fight my tears anymore and I started sobbing. My vision blurred really bad and it was hard to see, but she took my hand and took me to sit on a chair nearby. I could see the lady and the man with Mommy, and soon the ambulance arrived with the police. She asked my name and how old I was, and I told her my name was Crystal Marie Humgardner and I was almost 8 years old. She told this to a policeman while I had some fruit punch that was given to me by someone, but I couldn’t see who it was. It was good, and it was cold. I was also given a cookie. I like cookies, especially chocolate chip. Those are my favourites.

The policeman came over to me and asked me questions, and I told him about how Mommy got sick, and the phone wasn’t working so I couldn’t call 9-1-1 like I was taught by Mrs Arntz in school, so I got in the car and drove it as best as I could as Mommy had explained to me. He was so nice, and gave me a tissue to wipe my eyes because I was crying again. The ambulance people had Mommy on a stretcher and were putting her in the back of the ambulance, and he said I could go with him and we’d go to the hospital. He said I was a very brave girl, and that he thinks Mommy will be alright. He even gave me another cookie.

As we were driving away, I looked back at the building. The policeman said it was an art gallery and the lady who helped Mom out of the car was the one whose paintings I had broken. “Was she mad? I didn’t mean to do it.” He shook his head and said she was just glad that my mom was getting help. That made me happy. So happy that I started to hum a song that I knew Mommy liked alot. That would make her better. I just knew it.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Dialogue Exercise

This week's TRDC meme was an exercise in writing dialogue. I'll be the first to admit that this is surely not my strong suit when it comes to writing. I have, however, found an exercise that really seems to help (a little), and thought I'd share it with anyone who is taking the opportunity to read this humble little blog. I just wish I could remember where I had initially seen the information. The idea is to write out the dialogue as if it were a play or something similar. JUST the dialogue. And then build your story around the words spoken by the characters. Here's one of the drafts I did for the TRDC meme.

Now, mind you, I'm kind of a nerd. I like my Star Wars, and behind Han Solo (simply a love for Harrison Ford) my favourite character is the badass bounty hunter Boba Fett. I tried to imagine what it would be like if Boba was hired simply as a body guard, and that it was for a spoiled rich teenage girl who wasn't the brightest crayon in the box.

B: Boba
H: Girl

H: So how long are we going to have to wait?

B: As long as it takes.

H: That's not much of an answer.

B: Doesn't have to be.

H: You don't say much, do you?

B: Nope.

H: I'm bored.

B: Okay.

H: My dad's rich, you know.

B: Of course I know. Why else would I be here on this god-forsaken planet babysitting you?

H: Babysitting? I don't need a babysitter!

B: I'm sure you don't. But you dada disagrees.

H: Can't we go out? I hate being cooped up.

B: No.

H: But it's awful in here, and it smells.

B: Go to sleep.

H: I'm not tired.

B: Then just lay there.

H: Can I have a glass of water?

B: No. Go to sleep.

Red Writing Hood Meme: Dialogue

It's that time again, everyone- time for the Red Writing Hood meme! This week's meme, for some reason, was way harder than I thought it would be. The idea is to create a short piece of fiction featuring the dialogue between two people arguing, focusing more more on the spoken than the setting details. I tossed around 4 or 5 different scraps of dialogue for different stories before settling on one, and even then I'm not sure if I'm happy with it. But it's done, and it's here, although I almost feel as if it is sub par. Who knows- maybe the others are destined to become a different story? Maybe they will open that door that will get a book published?

North By Northman

"I've got a new job, Mom," Jolie said. She took a sip of her lemonade.

"You did? That's fantastic! Where at?"

"Shreveport. I'm going to be an executive assistant for a club owner." Tabitha looked at her daughter skeptically.

"That's a long way from home, Jolie, and working in a club? Are you sure it's safe?"

"Of course it is. Mr Eric has top-notch security in the building day and night." Another sip of lemonade. "He said it's actually kind of boring there sometimes."

"I don't know," Tabby replied, still not fully sold on her eldest child going all the way to Louisiana. "Don't you think you could find something closer?" Jolie shook her head slowly.

"I've sent out my resume to so many places, Mom, and haven't gotten even the slightest nibble here. So I think I need to start fresh elsewhere, and this is exactly the change I need."

"What are you guys talking about?" Jolie's younger sister Dawn came into the kitchen and flopped on to the bar stool beside her.

"Jolie's found a job. In Shreveport, of all places," their mother answered. "At a club working as an assistant." Dawn's eyes got big.

Please tell me it's not the place I'm thinking of." Jolie didn't answer. "Are you serious? Jolie, that place is crawling with vamps! Everyone knows that!" Dawn shook her head. "Surely you aren't stupid enough to take this job, especially knowing their 'turnover rate'". This was complete with Dawn's self-patented air-quotes.

"Oh please," Jolie scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Like no other bar has ever gone through several bartenders in a short period of time."

"THEY WERE KILLED!" Dawn shrieked. Tabitha grabbed the end of the counter to steady herself as the news her girls were battling over suddenly sunk in.

"Vampires? Is that what she means?" Both girls looked at their mother and Jolie nodded meekly.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Haiku-A-Day 8.10.10

It's been a while since I've done a haiku. Beginning of this year, actually. I used A Photo A Day for inspiration. Just click on the corresponding date on the calendar to the left of the day's picture. :)

Blood seeping from wounds,

Eyes glazed, jaw slack, hair mussy,
Bare-knuckled brawler.
I think I want to work on a story to go along with this, as it is a great picture and has so much potential. Gotta work on my Friday Theme Meme for TRDC first though :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Red Writing Hood Meme: Poetry

It's that time of the week again! It's time for the Red Writing Hood meme over at The Red Dress Club. This week is a bit different and takes me back to my Bad Hair Emo Smee days, and is asking me to write some poetry. Don't worry- there's no scribbling manically in the dark, and no fear of cutting myself to "let the words bleed out", but here goes. The subject of the meme is a narrative poem about the workings of a family.
Beep... beep... beep...
Good lord, it's already 5am?
Get the hubster up, good,
now I can sleep two more hours.
"Hey kiddo, time to get up," the kid is up and moving.
Let the dogs out, pet the cat,
grab the keys.
Short drive, drop her off at her sitting job,
time to go run.
Korn, Pantera, Steel Panther,
my concrete companions-
with a little Justin Timberlake SHHH!
Pick the kid up, get her fed,
"Mom, can I go play outside?"
Go, go, there's cleaning to be done.
Scrub here, wipe there,
how the hell did this get so badly stained?
Five minute break,
looks like it's gonna be Buffy on Netflix.
More scrub, more wipe, add some shine-
"I'm hungry."
Lunchtime already? *sigh*
Make some sandwiches,
here's the chips- enjoy.
Dogs want out again.
Straighten up the living room,
UGH this floor needs to see a mop!
Dog hair in the hallway, dust on everything,
cat toys underfoot.
Should I do laundry, too?
Oh, almost forgot! Have to defrost dinner!
Okay, chicken's thawing,
laundry's washing,
is that Buffy mugging down with Spike?
"Daddy's home!"
How was your day? "I'm hungry!"
Supper's cooking, only a few more minutes,
Vampire slaying replaced by ESPN.
Food's eaten, dishes cleaned,
pet-sitting job time!
Drop the kid off- again-
and go home to chat with friends
while folding laundry
and arranging Girl Scout activities.
Pick the girl up, chat and fold,
it's 11pm so soon?
Put away the clean clothes,
make sure the animals are cared for,
the family is happy,
and I'm gonna shower and go to bed.
5am seems to come awfully quick.
Only four more days
until I go back to work.
~4 August 2010

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Put the Needle on the Record

I cannot express the elation I have been feeling lately. It's not because I'm now making more money, or I've discovered some long lost artifact at a garage sale. Nothing like that.

I've been writing.

Exciting, isn't it? It's all part of an online group called The Red Dress Club and it's a group of women writers who get together and write from a common meme (similar to a story prompt exercise). On Fridays there is a link party- we all post links to our stories and then read the posts. We offer critiques, advice, attagirls, et cetera, and I must admit that finding this has really jumpstarted me creatively. I've done two of the the three memes offered (missed one, but I will still write it and post it here) and have started on a few other editing projects and stories.

So thank you, Ericka and Cheryl, for creating the RDC site and awakening my inner Godzilla-writer. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some stories that need tending.

Red Writing Hood Meme: POV

Time for this week's writing meme on The Red Dress Club blog. I missed last week's, sadly. This is all about meeting an ex at a grocery store while writing from the male's POV. Critiques are always welcome!

Swedish Fish

It had been a while since I had come to this side of town. Five years to be exact. In fact, if it wasn’t for my brother Jasper living here and inviting me over for dinner and to listen to some new albums he had gotten recently, I wouldn’t be here at all. Too much of a chance of running into HER.

But I’m not even going to think about that. All of it is in the past, over and done with. I’m just here to grab some beer, maybe some chips, then head up to Jasper’s. He seemed really stoked over his finds when we spoke on the phone earlier this week.

“Luis? Is that you?” I could literally feel the hair on the back of my neck standing on end as her voice raked over me. Even after all this time it made my stomach knot up. I slowly turned, forcing a smile on my lips. Just my damned luck.

“Austin, hi, how are you?” I asked quickly. Surely forced pleasantries should make this go faster. She still looked pretty much the same as the day she walked out. Long brown hair that reached just past her shoulder blades, curling slightly at the ends, a thick crop of bangs over her forehead, and a little button nose that rose slightly in what she always referred to as her “ski jump”. She wasn’t wearing glasses and she was a little more plump than when we were together, but I’d recognize her anywhere.

“I thought that was you!” She reached and gave me a quick hug. “I’m well, thank you.” A little formal, but that is okay. She stood back and gave me a quick once-over. “You look great! What brings you to this neck of the woods? I thought you lived on the Island?” Her speech had a lilt to it, a slight accent I could not place.

“I’m good, Austin. Yeah, just visiting Jasper. He’s got a gig DJ-ing in the club downtown and wants me to hear his new mix.” She didn’t need to hear all this, but I couldn’t get my mouth to stop yapping. She just smiled. She and Jasper had never truly gotten along. None of my family had really ever warmed up to her. “And you?”

“Oh, Eric and I are visiting my folks.” Ah, the giant albino bastard she left me for. I don’t think he was a true albino- no red eyes- but he was blond enough and blue eyed enough that he would have made Hitler proud. Not like my black hair and olive skin. “We were only in for a few days, and fly home tomorrow.” This shocked me, as I never thought she’d leave the comfort of her parents’ house, especially after the break-up we had.

“You don’t live here anymore?” She shook her head and smiled.

“We bought a place in Stockholm, where Eric is from.” I had always known he wasn’t born in the States, but wow. Sweden? That certainly explained the Aryan features. It was hard enough being on the smaller side at 5 feet 6 inches and comparing myself to a guy standing 6 foot 4, but now she throws in that he’s a Swede? How can I one-up that? I knew I couldn’t, and for some reason it made me mad as hell. I shouldn’t have started talking but it was impossible to keep the hurt silent.

“So you went from a common slut to a kept whore, huh?” It was as if the filter between my brain and mouth had disintegrated at the attempt to one-up Austin, and I watched almost helplessly as my words tore the smile from her face. But I couldn’t stop. Secretly, I think I didn’t want to stop. “You destroyed what we had to be with that jackhole? Was it worth it? How long before he’s tossed aside just like I was?”

Tears pooled in her brown eyes and her bottom lip quivered ever so slightly before the fire raged behind her gaze and she glared at me. I could sense myself shrinking inwardly, knowing that while she was usually rather easy-going, she did indeed have quite an Irish temper. Her cheeks flushed red.

“I had always known you were a callous prick, but I didn’t realize that not only are you cruel, but you obviously didn’t believe me when I said I did not cheat on you.” Her eyes narrowed further, her jaw set and teeth clenched. I was regretting my choice of words, but deep down, seeing her happy- and with him of all people- made me want to knock her down any way I could. What I didn’t expect was her to spat back just as harshly. Or the Viking to suddenly appear behind her, hand on her shoulder and eyeing me cautiously.

Älskling? Sweetheart? Everything okay?” His icy gaze never left my face and I almost wanted to hide, but I held my ground. I knew I was going to have to face him one day. I just wasn’t sure if today was really the right day. Austin leaned back into Eric and closed her eyes. He leaned down and whispered in her ear, and she shook her head.

“Austin…” I started but she held up her hand. I immediately held my tongue, something I should have done to begin with. But pain and hurt makes us do stupid things, and I am surely not immune to that.

“It’s done, Luis. No apologies are going to make it go away or make it better. Go live your life, do whatever, and stay a bitter man.” With those words she turned, took Eric’s arm and walked away. I could see a slump to her shoulders as they walked and I knew my words had taken a toll, but rather than feel triumphant, I felt like an ass. Tonight is going to require more than a six-pack to get through after this fiasco, so I went to the back of the grocery, grabbed a 24-can case, and made my way to the front registers. If I’m going start the journey to drunken oblivion, I may as well do it right.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Yeah, I'm doing it. Only a little, but it's still something. I'll get something posted here soon. :)

Writing Prompt 7.7.8

(I'm cheating a little and using an old writing prompt as my submission for The Red Dress Club's weekly meme. This is one I got from a website and wrote one night when I was on shift at my new job.)

While you are volunteering for your favourite charity, a man walks up to your table and hands you $1,000,000 in large bills. He walks away, weeping, but never says a word. Tell his story.


Time had slowed so much over the past six months that Early McCallahan had difficulty at times determining what day it was. Tuesday, Friday, Sunday- did it really matter anymore? His beloved Ava was dead either way.


They had married young. Early was 18 and about to head off to Europe in the next few months to fight in the war. Hitler had effectively put an end to Early’s plans of college and providing for his family. He was scared, of course- wasn’t everyone? But that fear fell to the wayside when he laid eyes on 16-year-old Ava Marie Munroe. Tall, blonde hair, striking blue eyes, and a figure whose curves sent his heart on a mad roller coaster ride. He was smitten in an instant, though Ava- and her stern father- took more convincing.

They were married in a small civil ceremony a few months later, just days before Early was about to board the ship that would take him across the Atlantic. There were many tears, and Ava gave him a monogrammed handkerchief to keep on his person while he was away,. That favour kept him safe while he was gone, and a year later he was back in her arms, wounded but alive. He never left her side after that. Four boys and two girls later, they were happy and content with the hand life had dealt them.

Then the lump appeared. It seemed to rise overnight, and concerned, Early accompanied Ava to her doctor, who immediately referred her to a specialist. Cancer. The word alone tore through Early’s soul. The tumors ate away quickly at his bride and within weeks she succumbed to the disease.


Even with their children at his side, Early felt more alone than he had in his entire life. He had a good number of years in Ava’s company, but it seemed all too short. He went through the motions of the funeral, the post-funeral reception, and condolences from family he had not seen in ages until he was so weary he could barely hold his head up. The home he and Ava shared felt foreign to him, as if he no longer belonged. The smell of her perfume lingered on everything, and for the first time since his wife passed away, Early allowed himself to cry.


He stayed in the house, forcing himself to live with the knowledge that he would be alone until he too succumbed to Death and would be with Ava again. He was never a very religious man, but the thought of facing his remaining days alone was too much for his already-frail state and he turned to the church. He found a measure of peace within the old, musty pews of St. Andrew’s and its parishioners, but it was not enough to take away all the pain. Early had received a large insurance payment from the life policy he had on both he and his wife, but he refused to spend the money on himself, instead living off his meager Social Security stipend. It kept food on the table and clothes on his back, and he would ask for nothing more.

Early sank deeper and deeper into a depression, sometimes forgetting to eat, then forgetting simple hygiene. His children had already moved on, engrossed in their own families' workings to worry about their father. The days began running together as he spent his time watching television infomercials into all hours of the night, preferring to sleep on the weathered sofa than the bed he spent so many nights with Ava. She dominated Early's thoughts, the sound of her laughter ringing in his head as he thought back to happier times, before she had gotten ill. The smile on her lips as she watched her children playing on the gloor by her feet, the entire family gathered aroud the Thanksgiving table and saying what they were grateful for, the flush of her skin after they made love. He could imagine the feel of the smooth skin of her face, the press of her lips against his own, and the tears came again. He was tired of being alone. He was tired of always missing her. He was tired of hearing people tell him he'd get over it. It's not something he wanted to get over, for that would mean allowing her memory to slip away.

The television was on and the newsman was at a local park, talking about a group raising money for abused and disadvantage children. Something about the story made Early take pause and listen. He suddenly knew what he had to do. Ava would want him to do it. Early stood slowly and smoothed the wrinkles from his pants, noticing the stains on them but not caring. He smoothed his wispy grey hair the best he could, then threw on a hat. He grabbed his wallet and keys and drove slowly to the bank. The manager was stunned when Early stated he wanted to close out his account, but complied, and thirty minutes later was handing the elderly gentleman a thick envelope. Early held it close. It was his entire life savings, every penny he had pinched, saving it for a rainy day, as he liked to tell Ava. He knew she wanted to travel overseas, but the time was lost for that. As he left the bank, he smiled slightly. He knew she was with him, approving his decision. He could feel her presence. He made his way to the park, feeling the sun on his wrinkled face and loving the sensation. Ava would have been out in the garden on a day like this, coaxing her flowers to grow and tending them as carefully as she had their children.

The park was crowded, but Early didn't mind. He listened to the children laughing and playing, parents chattering as they watched their offspring, even dogs barking. His step became lighter as he walked toward the long table where a pair of young women sat, handing out pamphlets, thanking people for their donations, and smiling and laughing They paused as he walked up to the table, the smiles still present on their faces.

"Hullo, sir," the brunette chirped, "would you like a pamphlet on ways you can help at-risk youths?" Early couldn't say a word, only pulled his hat from his head. The young women looked exactly as Ava had when he saw her for the first time, only with darker hair, and his felt his heart breaking anew. His hand shaking, he reached into his jacket and pulled out the envelope from the bank. He held it out to the woman, who took it, a puzzled look on her face. He patted her hand softly and with fresh tears tracing paths down his cheeks, he turned and walked away.

*das ende*

Red Writing Hood Meme: Your Mother

This is for a writing meme on The Red Dress Club blog. Critiques are always welcome! (And this one is not saucy. Sorry, you'll have to wait on that one.)

"Your mother never ceases to amaze me," he said as they pulled out of her parents' driveway and onto the snow-covered streets of Toledo. Delia loved spending the holidays in in her childhood home, but lately the time there was becoming unbearable when it included Elliott. "Here I thought she would be an amazing cook, and yet the ham she made was so dry I had to soak that puppy in gravy just so it wouldn't taste like sawdust." He chuckled hoarsely. "And could the asparagus have been more overcooked and limp? My mom could cook circles around yours, babe..."

Delia let him prattle on, turning her attention to the cityscape outside the car. She had grown up in this neighborhood, a quiet little suburb where everyone seemed to know everyone else. Her folks weren't rich, but they had managed to secure a good-sized nest egg that allowed them to live comfortably in retirement. Her father Ed had been a fireman, ever since he had first volunteered with his local firehouse when he was eighteen. Her mother Eva had worked as the head librarian at the local public library. The two had met by chance when the IGA grocery store next to the library had caught fire. Call it an accident, call it Fate- they had been a couple since.

Delia glanced at Elliott, seeing his lips move but not hearing a sound he made. She had always believed she would find The One and have the fairy tale wedding most girls dream about. She had always imagined The One being a modern Prince Charming, clad in Armani suits for armor, a Jaguar sports car for a steed, and overflowing coffers that would make a member of the Royal Family jealous. Of course, she reasoned with herself, at this point I'd take Joe Anyman who has a Hyundai and a 401k instead of this bozo.

"Are you even listening to me?" Elliott's voice pulled her back to the present.

"I'm sorry," she replied. "I must have dozed off. I guess I'm more tired than I thought." Elliott scoffed.

"Don't see how. I mean, it's not like you've done anything all day." Great. THIS again.

"Y'know, just drop me off at my place. I have some papers to work on before the break is over, and I want to get started on them. I'll just come over tomorrow or something."

"Seriously?" He looked at her incredulously. "It's Thanksgiving, for Christ's sake. You aren't back at school for another three days. Can't it wait?" Delia shook her head and he sighed heavily, a dejected sound. He had apparently been hoping for a nightcap, but Delia had been hit with a revelation that required other plans, ones not including him. A year was way too long for this kind of emotional baggage, and it was time to kick the ship called Elliott out of the harbour.
